Do you realize the difference here? I entertain all options (as a true scientist should), whereas you will entertain only a single option. To you it's either your beloved evolution or bust
If the process discussed can not yet be explained by our current knowledge, the correct position would be "we don't know". Claiming that a designer for that process must exist is very much premature unless that designer is proven to exist, or until any and all possible alternative explanations have been proven wrong.
The former has not been done yet, the latter is impossible.
So instead of claiming ID, you should await future discoveries. That is open minded.
I am very much sure that Cofty and all other people who now accept that evolution is supported by incredibly many facts and observations, would change their view as soon as a theory comes along that even better explains all the evidence. But given the fact that there there is currently no evidence that contradicts the theory of evolution, it highly unlikely that that will ever happen.
Also, while Cofty's challenge proves that apparently no creationist here can point to any verifiable evidence that the creation myth is literal truth, being able to cast doubt on our current understanding of how 1 or 2 processes came into existence does not invalidate the theory of evolution as the preferred scientific explanation of all relevant facts we know about. And it certainly does not proves creation must be true.